Neo Rheumacyl Tablet. Neo Rheumacyl Tablet is used for pain associated with headache backache migraine period pain muscular pain dental pain sore throat cold and flu symptoms and fever inflammation (redness swelling and soreness) or fever Learn how to use Neo Rheumacyl and it's dosage warnings sideeffects and more.
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NEORHEUMACYL merupakan obat dengan kandungan Paracetamol dan Ibuprofen Obat ini dapat digunakan untuk meredakan nyeri otot nyeri sendi dan pegal linu Paracetamol sebagai analgetik bekerja dengan meningkatkan ambang rasa sakit dan sebagai antipiretik yang diduga bekerja langsung pada pusat pengatur panas di hipotalamus.
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Neo Rheumacyl Tablet Neo Rheumacyl jenis ini mengandung ibuprofen dan paracetamol Neo Rheumacyl Neuro Neo Rheumacyl jenis ini mengandung ibuprofen vitamin B1 vitamin B6 dan vitamin B12 Neo Rheumacyl Aktif Neo Rheumacyl jenis ini mengandung Neo Rheumacyl dalam bentuk krim dan koyo Dikonsumsi oleh Dewasa dan anakanakKategori Obat Pereda nyeriGolongan Obat bebas.
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NEO RHEUMACYL TABLET The expert in pain relief trusted since 1972 effective in relieving muscle joint and body pain.
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NEO rheumacyl Tablets is used with caution in patients with disorders of the liver and kidneys with benign hyperbilirubinemia as well as in elderly patients With prolonged use of NEO rheumacyl Tablets (Acetaminophen) is necessary to monitor patterns of peripheral blood and functional state of the liver.
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Overview Neo Rheumacyl Neuro Capsule is used for Pain in nerves Back pain Muscle pains Joint aches Muscles pain Arthritis Pain in teeth Pain in body Vitamin b 12 deficiencies Addisonian anemia and other conditions Neo Rheumacyl Neuro Capsule may also be used for purposes not listed in this medication guide 5/5 (2).