Kalori Go Potato. Go! Potato Database makanan dan penghitung kalori Siantar Top Go! Potato Informasi Gizi Ukuran Porsi 1 kemasan (20 g) per porsi *Berdasarkan AKG dari 2000.
Jual Siantar Top Deo Go Potato Biskuit 10 Gr 160 Pcs Karton Terbaru September 2021 Harga Murah Kualitas Terjamin Blibli from blibli.com
Go! Potato (Siantar Top) per 1 kemasan (20g) Kalori 100kkal | Lemak 400g | Karb 1300g | Prot 200g Informasi Gizi Mirip Potato Barbeque (Taro) per 1 porsi (10g) Kalori 45kkal | Lemak 150g | Karb 700g | Prot 100g Informasi Gizi Mirip.
Calories in Potatoes FatSecret
Calories in Potatoes The favorite choice for the term “Potatoes” is 1 medium White Potato (Flesh and Skin) which has about 150 calories Calorie and nutritional information for a variety of types and serving sizes of Potatoes is shown below View other nutritional values (such as Carbs or Fats) using the filter below.
Jual Siantar Top Deo Go Potato Biskuit 10 Gr 160 Pcs Karton Terbaru September 2021 Harga Murah Kualitas Terjamin Blibli
Calories in Potatoes, and Health Benefits Potato Nutrition Facts
Kalori dalam Siantar Top Go! Potato dan Fakta Gizi
Kalori dan Informasi Gizi Go! Potato FatSecret
Potatoes white flesh and skin raw Potatoes white flesh and skin baked Potatoes mashed homeprepared whole milk and butter added** Potatoes french fried all types salt added in processing frozen homeprepared oven heated Water 8158 g 7543 g 7561 g 6248 g Energy 288 kJ (69 kcal) 393 kJ (94 kcal) 471 kJ (113 kcal) 688 kJ (164 kcal) Carbohydrates.