Drop Package Oracle. Let’s look at some examples of how to revoke EXECUTE privileges on a function or procedure in Oracle If you wanted to revoke EXECUTE privileges on a function called Find_Value from a user named anderson you would run the following REVOKE statement REVOKE execute ON Find_Value FROM anderson If you had granted EXECUTE privileges to public Missing drop packageMust include.
Enables a user to drop any materialized view in the database DROP ANY PROCEDURE Enables a user to drop any PL/SQL procedure function or package in the database DROP ANY SEQUENCE Enables a user to drop any sequence in the database DROP ANY SYNONYM Enables a user to drop a synonym owned by any user in the database DROP ANY.
Oracle Drop Package Body RazorSQL
If you use Oracle Advanced Queuing the objects related to this MUST be dropped with the AQ package API calls Although you can drop the Oraclegenerated tables for queue support with a regular DROP TABLE you will find yourself in the catch22 position of then not being able to drop the related queues nor add them back.
select ‘drop package ‘ || ‘”‘ || object_name || ‘”‘ as “command” from user_objects where object_name like ‘%posting_procs%’ and object_type=’package‘ CAUTION REMEMBER THAT ABOVE SCRIPT GENERATES DROP COMMANDS WHICH CAN CONTAINS POSTING_PROCS AS THE PART OF OTHER PACKAGE NAME PLEASE CHECK EACH DROP STATEMENTS BEFORE EXECUTINGCode sampleselect’DROP PACKAGE ‘ || ‘”‘ || OBJECT_NAME || ‘”‘ as “Command”fromUSER_OBJECTSWHEREWas this helpful?Thanks! .
In this syntax First you specify the package name after the CREATE PACKAGE BODY keywords The schema name is optional By default it is your schema Second the OR REPLACE option replaces the existing package body definition or do nothing if the package body does not exist.
Ora 00600 Internal Error Code Arguments 15101 Oracle Unix
DROP PACKAGE BODY MariaDB Knowledge Base
Oracle Trigger Oracle Tutorial
How to Grant and Revoke Privileges Create and Drop …
Oracle / PLSQL: DROP TABLE Statement
Oracle Package in Data Dictionary that can’t be dropped
DROP PACKAGE Statement Oracle
Oracle PL/SQL Packages
Oracle PL/SQL Packages Database Tutorials
MariaDB Knowledge Base DROP PACKAGE
Grant/Revoke Privileges Oracle / PLSQL:
Oracle Help Center DROP PACKAGE Statement
Oracle Tutorial PL/SQL Package Body
plsql Trouble compiling or dropping an Oracle package
body hang RE: Drop table and drop package oraclel
The DROP PACKAGE statement drops a stored package from the database This statement drops the body and specification of a package Note Do not use this statement to drop a single object from a package.